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ponape scripture
波纳佩圣典  detail>>
ponape SCRIPTure
波纳佩圣典  detail>>
波纳佩岛  detail>>
 n.  1.〔S-〕(基督教)圣经〔通常说作 Holy Scripture 或 the Scriptures〕。 2.〔S-〕〔罕用语〕圣经的一句[一节]。&...  detail>>
ponape dist
波纳佩区  detail>>
ponape lory
波纳(佩岛)吸蜜鹦鹉  detail>>
accommodation of scripture
圣经的误用  detail>>
anology of scripture
圣经的类似  detail>>
blessing of scripture
圣典祝福  detail>>
canon of scripture
圣经正典  detail>>
inerrancy of the scripture
圣经之不错性 圣经之无误性  detail>>
inspiration of scripture
圣经的默示  detail>>
perspicuity of the scripture
圣经的足明性  detail>>
read the scripture
读经  detail>>
s sacred scripture
宗教经典  detail>>
scripture of flowers
花经  detail>>
scripture reader
传教士  detail>>
scripture sake
引经据典的买卖  detail>>